Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

US looks to ban imports, exports of a tropical by trade

From Parachutes for Pets -

Attention: Yellowknife Wildfire Emergency Evacuees -
If you are needing support with supplies, vet care or safekeeping, please contact us through the link or by calling (403) 305-9677.

We are on 24/7 emergency operations at this time to help.

The award site is at , but they dont have a gallery for this year yet (at the time I post it, at any rate)

Let's celebrate World Photography Day together, share the most recent photo of your furry companion in the comments by Saturday! (August 19)

We have some surprises planned over the next few weeks, stay tuned!


Katzenworld: Sweet Older Feline at Batterseas Brands Hatch Centre Seeking a Loving Home


In brighter news, big yawn!!

Good night (or day) to you from Pax and all the gang!

Doodle and Peck doing what they do best!

It's time again!!

Do You Like Cat

Dainty Daphne loves her afternoon snooze.

What is the fascination with high places

Katzenworld: Cat Puzzle: Escape the Cat-Themed Maze for Fun! Find Answers Inside #

SOLD! Thanks

! on

My cute lil Norma. Keeping me company this morning. After my last big oral surgery. She always brightens my day.

Since getting Maya I have lost a stone (14lbs) and had a great time on our walks

Our cat named Sunday is making a grand entrance, especially for !

Yesterday I sold a tote bag with this cat artwork and I realized I haven't shared this one with you yet. Thank you to the person who bought the tote and a few other kitty products too!

You can get Theo here -

Good morning (or evening)! Happy to you all!

My perfectly normal dog jumping on the couch and petting himself on my hand.

Oh to be this cozy

From 2014  I miss these cuties! They have such wonderful personalities, I used to look forward to playing with them every day!

Its Mlemsday my dudes.


Frances animal shelters reach capacity as holidaymakers dump pets at roadside France The Guardian

Just vile! If you're not going to look after a pet and make sacrifices, don't have one!

"More than 100,000 pets are abandoned to fend for themselves in France every year, more than half of them dumped just before or during long summer holidays when they are often found next to routes heading for the coast or countryside."

Katzenworld: The Evolution and Domestication of Cats: From Working Cats to Cuddle Buddies # &Tips

Somebody wants their crickets

Regal Hazelnut does not approve!

Pax is a Gumby kitty tonight. Have a good night (or good day)!

San Diego Humane Society in
Day 1 > Emergency Response Team rescued this cat, badly burned in the . They transported the cat to a field veterinary station for triage and pain medication. They are now headed for a vet outside the disaster area for additional care.

Cookie can almost smell the wekendsday

Katzenworld: PDSA Saves Cat Trapped in Rabbit Snare: Calls for Nationwide Ban on Snares

Scrolling through my tl, I hear a quiet tearing sound, look up, see Jon chewing on the wallpaper and just slowly shake my head Little monsters.......

Reeses is still being very difficult and shy, hopefully he warms up to his new home soon

Veterinarian's Opinion: The Best Way to Take Your Pet's Temperature

Peck is gentle and intrigued by little Pax, even though Pax tries her best to dominate him.

Its a day to remind pet owners to have their microchipped and to keep the registration info up-to-date. Why Because its the most reliable system for reuniting lost pets with their owners, combined with a collar and ID tag.

Last year, helped us reunite more than 100 animals that came into our shelters as lost/stray pets with their owners. Learn more about microchips here:

You would have to be Mad to believe in Horoscopes