Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

This morning she put him in the latest nest, wrapped them both up in a paper blanket, and sat alert & in charge while he snoozed. These two prove love is real.

Note-both are rescues, Nyota the lovebird was found after Hurricane Isaac (2012), Boobear the Cockatiel outlived his first owner & is now 27 years old!

If you have elderly cats (or dogs) and you notice them struggling up stairs or jumping onto things, have the vet check them for Arthritis. Our cat got his latest injection yesterday, and today I caught him jumping over the fece (in case you are worried about wildlife, my cat has barely any teeth left and is a totally inadequate hunter. Most of his senses seem extremely dulled, and he doesn't even try catching anything anymore. he has never brought anything back)

Drawing a sweet lil Friend Portrait ...

Care for your Pet

New poem posted on my Ko-fi.


Best Tactical Dog Harness Vests you can buy today. K9 Dog Training Vest Working Dog Harness for Medium, Large and XL Dog Sizes. Find more here

Katzenworld: Munchiecat: Cat Toys Crafted with Love and Passion Sushi Collection for Feline Foodies

Onda insuportvel de afeta muito os animais. O cozinho esperto aproveitou o lava jato para refrescar e de quebra uma massagem top.
Preste ateno aos seus : sofrem muito. Sombra, banho, gua, sorvete... -

RT mincrj -

Had to apologize to the pet rabbits for turning off NPR, which I turned on to them for stimulation during the day. One of the rabbits definitely knows English... not sure the radio is a great idea, LOL.

Enjoying the fresh air

Pax had a long day of fun and play. She's ready for sleep. We hope you have a pleasant evening (or a pleasant day)!

Miss Bau had another tooth extraction today, she has had her dinner (soft foods) the her antibiotic and her pain meds so I think she wont be moving much this evening .

The watchful eyes of our tabby cat named Sunday keep everybody in check.

Snake Necked Turtle lost on bright green lawns, paving, wood chips, plastic mesh and car parks. Habitat loss means the turtle species is more exposed to threats than ever before.

My boy Peck really knows how to get the most out of a nap!

Time to play Whack-A-Mole!

My cat Mitro wrote his letter to Chewy Claus today (well, I helped). For those with pets this is pretty cute.

Mitro is currently waiting for his dental surgery appointment in a few weeks. He's got residual issues from being outside. We don't know if he was dumped or got out, but we think he was out there for a while. He's my 3rd older cat adoption, and we think he's about 12.

Older cats and dogs need homes too, so if you have room in your home and your heart give them a chance. See Mitro's letter below.

How Contribute To -Life Balance

An old Bun Life comic about addressing rude but natural animal behaviour

Please can I have my ball back

Katzenworld: European Pet Owners Willing to Spend 14.378 Billion on Pet Tech, According to New Research #

I can't take the furry overlord to work with me every shift but he's the bestest boy when I do!

4 #

Robbie wif his whiskers and his nosy nose, probably wishing der hoomins would shut up an lets him sleeps.

I arrive home, greeted by Cora da 85 pound bulldog. (and the other two, but this is about her)

30 seconds later: Me: Do you save your snot up all day just to blow it all over my pants legs (She has a snot shooting range of about 18 inches).
Cause it happens a bit too often for me to think its coincidence.

Pax is ready to call it a day. Good night (or good day) Mastodon friends!

Meet Mr. Joe-Joes. Hes my sons 16 year old gentleman kitty.

I am proud to say I met him as a kitten and snagged him from the free clothes basket, and passed him to my son who has benefited from Mr. Joe-Joes love and companionship.

Soon, Mr. Joe-Joes will cross In the meantime, Ive been asked to make him some kitty sweaters.

Heres to Mr. Joe-Joes! you!

Lil floof is not making much eye contact with me since I brought her home from a teeth cleaning and a little procedure, rather she's doing a low whine and making it a point to put her one arm out as if to say:

"HuMoM, when I woke this morning, you had removed my dishes and failed to feed me in spite of my demands, then you put my pretty vest on as if we were going to walk but instead you brought me to the pokey place that does the pinchy things while they try to distract me with nut butter and praise. I woke up from a surprise nap, I don't even remember being tired, still hungry, partially naked, and with a sore mouth.

Sure they treated me well but it's all very suspicious and you shall feel bad about this until I can't remember.

Look at my naked arm. Look at it!"


Who has multiple cats in a home with a pet with a special diet

Parker is currently, and likely lifelong, on a prescription diet. It's sorta expensive.

I might be adopting TWO cats. Is there any way around just feeding them all, and ONLY, the prescription food forever

If I give them treats and hold him back parker will go completely insane. He is already searching for the old food and scratches doors where he thinks it is.

Peck is my handsome Prince Charming!

Verne and Doyle say the bookshelves are just right.

The Cat Stare can be purchased here :blobcamera:

Daphne is looking regal this morning.

Love and Hex #86: Flurry of Blows

It can be difficult introducing a new pet into the family.

All home decor is 25% off in my shop today! Includes mugs, throw pillows, towels, fleece blankets and shower curtains.

Here's my latest, "Chrissy in the Chrysanthemums" -

Home decor -

Good morning (or good afternoon or evening) to all of you! Pax wishes you a very happy !


Picture This: 30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 15 - Pets - Saffy was sat among my plants, so I snapped this, thankfully she doesn't eat my plants lol.

Get a Portrait of yourself or your loved one.