Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Random pic for a random check-in.

Why, it's Caturday again. Here are our kitties.
Havr a great one.

Good morning and Happy to you!


Havent posted much of the other boys recently, but Gromit says hi!

Is anyone here old enough to remember white Go-Go Boots Pax thinks they ought to come back into style!

Greetings and happy to all our Mastodon friends!


It's the boys!!! Monty Pythonicus and Mr Darcy.

Monty is 8yrs old, and for most of his life only had Poppy and Basil (who passed away last yr age 17) for company. He is a very clingy demanding spoiled brat, and extremely JEALOUS when not the centre of attention.

I have.. acquired 7 more cats in the last 3 years. M was Not Happy about this. It's taken 2yrs to stop bullying Mr Darcy, and realise that Company is Rather Nice Actually.

Un giorno un gatto, a Ragusa Ibla

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Guardians of the Temple of Philae


Happy Caturday
Love me please...

Un giorno un gatto, a Ragusa Ibla


Un giorno un gatto, a Ragusa Ibla
Delfin oder Samu


Welcome to America, where a harmless, blind & deaf pet gets "put down" by police because they're grossly incompetent and above the law so will suffer no consequences for their misdeeds...
Folks, any time you consider calling law enforcement, first think about whether they are the appropriate organization to deal with the particular situation... helping with a lost dog is not something which should involve the police.

"An officer was called to help a blind, deaf dog. He shot him instead."

Gifted article from WaPo:

Dezeen : This week IKEA launched its first pet range

Mustang oder Samu


Im only four years behind with this video, but what an absolutely amazing guy!
Bravery like this deserves credit at any time.

Pax kept the mayhem to a minimum today. Could it be that she's leaving kittenhood behind

Good night (or good day) to all you Mastodon friends! Enjoy the weekend and stay safe!

Pet food banks see dwindling donations, rising need across B.C.
BC SPCA animal centres have continued to see a drop in the number of donations of pet food and supplies and that's raising concerns.

Pet food banks see dwindling donations, rising need across B.C.
BC SPCA animal centres have continued to see a drop in the number of donations of pet food and supplies and that's raising concerns.



Genetic Mutation Underlying Finlands Salty Liquorice Cats Identified, out of University of Helsinki + Wisdom Panel, published by Animal Genetics


Genetic Mutation Underlying Finlands Salty Liquorice Cats Identified, out of University of Helsinki + Wisdom Panel, published by Animal Genetics


Genetic Mutation Underlying Finlands Salty Liquorice Cats Identified, out of University of Helsinki + Wisdom Panel, published by Animal Genetics


Me, feeling under the weather, stressed out by everything: so doc, what's my diagnosis

Doctor Renny:

Me, getting concerned: doc

Doctor Renny: I'm writing out prescriptions for pet pics and anything funny.

Mastodon pharmacy, please dispense my "meds".

A wild tiger in his natural habitat.

He is being accused of making a mess (shredded carpet from the cat tower and cardboard pieces everywhere) but is slightly offended that we think he would be the culprit.

When yous bunny butt has been workin too hards...

He was a special pet.

Taylor Swifts cats have condition that causes constant pain, say experts

3 #

The verry aloof being unamused while her brothers play with cat nip. (Like SHE wasn't just doing so herself, regardless of the evidence on her head)

Pax is bright-eyed and ready to start her day. Hmm, I wonder what mayhem will ensue

Have a fun Friday everyone! We hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Dog that inspired Doge meme and became the face of Dogecoin dies

Nice sealife

I can't watch cat videos on YouTube when Roland is around because he gets jealous. I have to save them in my watched later and look at them when I'm away from home

Hope everyone is having a wonderful , we are getting ready for the weekend

That's one way to get a dog to nope out of the room:

The cute is too much - prize-winning comedy pet photos

My wife never appreciates it when Kermit Conure starts squawking, and I look at her (Kermit) and say "What That's the best you got"
Kermit knows this game (we've lived together 20 years now), and redoubles her efforts.
My wife gives me a death glare and goes into the bedroom closing the door....

Pax is happily dreaming, probably of tuna and spring toys, her favorite things.

Good night (or good day) to each and every one of you!

Orbiting Oakington