Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Pax is sending her love to you on this ! Her surgery went well, she seems to be recuperating nicely, and she doesn't mind having to wear her post-surgical skirt.

The housing crisis has created cat crisis landlords are declaring their buildings pet-free as a way to get around rent caps and renoviction rules

Story by me

When people allow domestic cats roam, this is what they are supporting: needless slaughter of MILLIONS of birds (and other wildlife) & the spread of deadly disease (especially toxoplasmosis) into wildlife & children

My snail is sweating I think I think eggs are on the way

So cute how my snails just stick their faces in the water bowl and lap it up like cats or dogs do

Katzenworld: Dealing with Back-to-School Separation Anxiety: Tips for Pet Owners &Tips

Pax wants to say "thank you" to all of you who wished her well. Her surgery is over and she seems to be doing fine.
She likes her post-surgical skirt (rather than the dreaded cone of shame)! Good night (or good day) everyone!

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

my sister's cat has turned into a box.

This is Pax wearing her post-surgery skirt. So far I am really loving it! Works well! It attaches to her collar.

are you normal or is this you

I can only hope to be as comfortable as Dahlia looks in this picture

Gostomel, and others.

They continue to do so now. Because the war continues and a lot of animals need and will need help.

You can support Cats on Mars by joining their Patreon or donating to PayPal, Bank or Skrill

And remember if you can't donate always comment/Share & Boost


Enjoying my buffet!

They had chosen to all get along. For a time.

Happy Birthday to Pennys older half sister Millie!

Happy Tuesday to you all!

I must say that today is not an especially happy day for little Pax. It's the day she gets spayed. We dropped her off at the vet's early this morning. Hopefully all will go well and we'll be able to pick her up in the late afternoon.

Jai and Veeru

My dad was very into , so over the weekend I picked up one of his cameras and some lenses so I can work on getting much better than my phone can take. I got this one of Phoebe while messing around with it, and it's amazing to see the detail of her fur without all of the post-processing magic blurring it.

Sure, why don't you both come and sit on my Wonder Woman tank top that I'm trying to fix, it's not like there's a readily available cushion 5 centimeters away. :BlobCatuwu:


Enjoy the weather this week but remember to always stay hydrated!

Pets are wrong.

I dont mean that pets hold wrong , of course: I mean that the idea of keeping small animals around for fun is a mistake.

Let me refine that: keeping in urban environments is almost always wrong.

Exceptions I understand: guide dogs and the like pets for lonely people who really cant find friends or caregivers purely rural environments.

Katzenworld: Join Tummy Rub Tuesday Week 463 and Have Your Cat Featured in Our Blog! #

Remarkable story.

An abused stray mutt kept trying to move himself into a senior care facility. 3X!

But a few nights later, there was Scout, back on that same couch in the nursing home lobby. Somehow he again scaled a 10-foot chain-link fence, then a 6-foot solid privacy fence, crossed a highway without getting run over, entered the front door unnoticed, jumped onto the same couch as before and made himself at home for the night.

Invasive species such as feral cats are the number-one driver of biodiversity loss in Australia, UN report shows

"Australia is the mammal extinction capital of the world and cats have played a role in two-thirds of mammal extinctions over the last 200 years"

"Every year, cats kill 2 billion reptiles, birds and mammals in Australia. That's almost 6 million every night."

"Australia has close to 3,000 invasive alien species estimated to cost Australia approximately $25 billion every year in losses to agriculture and management costs," CSIRO chief research scientist for biosecurity Andy Sheppard said."

The report "found 45 per cent of all countries did not invest in the management of biological invasions and only 17 per cent had national laws or regulations addressing the problem".

Go To The Vet Less Than Half As Often As Dogs. That's A Problem. HuffPost UK Life

It's almost time for Pax to go to sleep. Good night to all of you (or good day)!

Do you need Pet Insurance Yes you do!

"It's past midnight, enough Baldur's Gate 3 for you, go read a book."

Is it okay to kiss your pet What diseases can pets carry

"Dogs and cats are major reservoirs of zoonotic infections ..."

"Kissing pets has also been linked to occasional zoonotic infections in pet owners."

"Pet ownership is at an all-time high, with a recent survey finding 69% of Australian households have at least one pet."

Australians spend an estimated A$33 billion every year on their pets.

Bellingen residents choose to own an abundance of dogs and cats in the middle of a native wildlife hotspot. Pedestrians and staff of eateries regularly fumble on dog snouts. Dogs inside eateries often slobber over tables, but no one cares...

Duman the cat.
(Mrz 2019)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
, , , ,

Invasive species No 1 driver of biodiversity loss in Australia and feral cats have biggest impact, report finds

"Australasia has been identified as a global hotspot for invasive species. In Australia, invasive species are the number one driver of biodiversity loss"

"Feral cats have the greatest environmental impact..."

"Australia has lost more native mammal species than any other continent, with more than 100 species listed as either extinct or extinct in the wild.'

This report makes it clear that the Albanese governments commitment to
n o n e w e x t i n c t i o n s will be no more than a slogan without increased focus and funding needed to prevent the next wave of invasive species."
Lyall Grieve, conservation and biosecurity analyst for the Invasive Species Council

Invasive species are likely to be a primary driver of 85% of the next round of predicted vertebrate extinctions over the next 20 years"


Snowy is very curious by dogs barking on Corrie:

A little sphynx humor and an homage to one of hoomans favorite episodes of to help get the week started off with a smile

Not helpful to donate:

Canned food
Chew toys
Dog crates

Or any other physical items. You may have good intentions, but shipping those items is not helpful after natural disasters (for instance, shelters dont have food distribution systems set up).

Miss Teddy would be greatful for some treats and belly rubs.

self portrait