Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Warum liegt hier Klopapier rum

Pax has discovered a new little nook in the bookcase/entertainment center. She gives it her seal of approval.

Everyone, we wish you a lovely day of peace and tranquility! Have a wonderful !

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Posando como verdaderos modelos

Our Lifestyle Communities try to show the unique ways in which we choose to live our lives, reflecting a mosaic of habits and preferences. From Pets, to Food and Drink and even Travel, you can find all the different lifestyle areas in one place.

Join us and share some delicious recipes, adorable pet pictures, your latest trip and maybe crack a joke or two. Login with Mastodon and unwind:

Vira seems to have misplaced her backbone.

Max, my 2+ year old male Domestic Shorthair Classic Tabby cat has the most intense gold eyes. Hes a very loving & grateful (please excuse my anthropomorphism) rescue kitty and follows me around like a little puppy-dog. He was skinny as a rail when I adopted him last fall from the animal shelter and now hes chunked-out and is probably a couple pounds overweight.


New Parenting Trend: Letting Pets Raise Your Kids

Housecat who enjoys exploring cardboard boxes accidentally posted 860km in Amazon order return

Galena found herself at the centre of a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a feverish search, a California rescue and a tearful reunion.

A Palestinian man raises the victory sign from inside his destroyed home in Gaza.


Samu liebt es drauen im Wald

Miss Sassy

This is my daughters betta, Max, in a little holding tank while we cleaned out his actual tank earlier

Pax has company tonight. She, Peck and Daphne have decided to have a slumber party.

Good night (or good day) to all of you special people!

When your hoomin lives in der cellar but dey been told to be away from home by der nasty jobs centres people so you waits... an waits... an waits.
Robbie worked out hoomin's routine when dey got back so he waits where dey go to take nasty outdoor feets off.

Ranger and Benji

Happy everyone the is out at last ZSHQ .


Why Kristi Noem Thinks Killing a Puppy Is Good Politics

The GOP treasures "Darwinian dominance politics and performative viciousness."

Also, Trump hates dogs.

hi cutie

Pax is content to let the world go by as she lounges in her sunny spot by the window.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all you wonderful people! Have a great Tuesday!


Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Kristi Noem Deals With Her Pets

Poor pets! However, Mike has a solution Well sort of.

#AutisticWriters #comedy #KristiNoem #pets #satire #USNews #USPol #YourAutisticLife

Coral reef in Gili islands

White Persian Cat - Mr Coool

A rather stern-looking white Persian cat with striking green eyes is the focus of this textured oil painting.

Artist: in City: Av. Gen. Humberto Delgado 6, Portugal 2024 - Title: "Run sheep, run" ( by Pedro Guerra) - (Original Photo: )

Pax is back in her special nook tonight. Hope you all have a good night or a good day, depending on where you live.

Rising above the pond
sunlight reflections on scales
carp carpe diem!

***Hand drawn!

Rising carp


Hmm... pet store advertising has come a LONG way from when I was a kid

*the closest things I have to tattoos are a score of permanent scars from bushwhacking through hiking trails in shorts, plus a number of scars from running into sharp objects in the garden and/or workshop. And no, no tattoed pets here, either.

Watching someone elses rabbit for the time being, say hello to Maggie

For have some nice old pics of us out .

Soon! Soon the rain will stop and the Nice Weather(TM) will begin..

I keep dreaming about owning cats and parrots
I wish that could come true

This week, MAGA R. Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.), leading contender for VP under Trump, shot her 14-month-old in the head, saying it was "untrainable" and she "hated that dog."

There are no bad , only bad owners. RiP Cricket. You deserved better. So does America - clearly Noem doesn't have the skills to lead.

Have a favorite photo of a you didnt shoot in the face in a gravel pit Please share it here.

Japanese dog breed preservation innovates with blockchain for authenticity and traceability. Learn how technology ensures pure breeding and tackles counterfeits.


cat, dog food
kitten, puppy food
litter, boxes

Drop off points:
PAWS N Ada, 1200 Sandy Creek Drive
580-332-5233 pawsnadayahoo.com
Amazon >

Oklahoma Animal Alliance, 7140 S 69th E Ave, Tulsa
Mo & Tue btw 10-6


For injured small animals:

Angel Fund OKC, 405-628-4312

Arbuckle Veterinary Clinic in Sulphur, OK is assisting / setting up to help reunite lost with their families

Have you ever asked yourself how often the person on the other end of your Zoom is a Cockatiel It happens more often than you might think.

Utah cat found in California after accidentally shipped in Amazon box

Story of the Amazon worker who helped rescued the cat.

NY Times: Stowaway Cat Gets From Utah to California in Amazon Returns Package

Pax is deep in thought this morning. I wonder what schemes that little brain is cooking up now

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all our Mastodon friends!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

The pet Ill never forget: Brighton Yellow, the budgie that interrupted dinner parties chirping, Right! Thats enough!

california car