Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

No thoughts behind those eyes

Idle paws are the Devil's plaything.

This is friend's cat...his name is Digger and he has a perpetually grumpy look that I tried to capture here. Happy Caturday! ARTWORK - https://peggy-collins.pixels.com/featured/digger-the-grumpy-cat-peggy-collins.html Traduci Artwork of a grumpy looking tabby cat, by artist Peggy Collins. ALT

Pubblicato su Caturday life

What are you doing today

What are you doing today

This is a friend's cat...his name is Digger and he has a perpetually grumpy look that I tried to capture here. Happy Caturday!


Look how big and dark the pupils of Pax's eyes are! She is ready to pounce on me here! It's part of a fun little game she initiates that's become a daily ritual. I make scritching noises with my fingers on my leg and then she pounces on my hand. She does this over and over.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all of you! Happy ! Hope your day is fun!

Trigger alert: Eye contact with a cat

Street Cat

der tho

Happy Caturday
Baby Maine Coon...love the ears!

The drugstore cat


The drugstore cat#verotography #podium #pictas #snap #fotomasters #masterpix #flipboard #flipboardUserGroup #fediart #fediphotos #leicacamera #caturday #catsofmastodon #cats #pets #chats #qitt #gatti Care for your Pet #raturday #pets French edition

The drugstore cat

Pubblicato su salvomic Photography

The drugstore cat

My Friday night crew.

Max, Smoky & Queen Schmoo relaxing in the sunshine in my back porch and also watching the birds, chipmunks and squirrels (going up and down the deck stairs) through the back porch storm door window. The rodents were gleaning black sunflower seeds from my bird feeders & are always a good show for the felines.

The 2024 Comedy Pet Photo awards in pictures World news

This is most smiley little pup I've ever seen! 8 years old and just 20 pounds! So precious! Someone please adopt this sweet girl!

Bedtime will have to wait. Pax and Peck are busy playing together with a brown paper bag. But they do want to wish you a good night (or a good day)!

<-- ON AIR

From good boys to cute kitties, the finalists are all set for the 2024 comedy pet photo awards

We has been hidding but only cos life's been doing things that leaves us exhausted but mostlies satisfieds.

Hoomin mentioned somethings about limericks so mees been finking and has come up wif:

There once was a bunny called Prince Charmin,
Whose bunny butt was quite disarmin.
Then along came a big eared doe,
Givin it a sniff 'n' catchin a whiff,
She said, "boy, what the heck've you been farmin"

Teo and Maya

Connecticut rescue workers rappel into rock quarry to rescue missing dog

After a productive week, its finally

So, before we log off we wanted to share this thread showcasing some of the great Communities and Community Feeds at Newsmast

We'll be back at 9am BST on Monday - see you then!

If showing off our pets wasnt why social media was invented, then what was the point

In the Newsmast Pets Community, we love each cat, dog, fish, horse, lizard and more. We also love the experts who share their tips on how to better look after our best buddies.

If youd like to get involved in the Pets Community, you can see the best bits by following this account in a list! Cant wait to see all your cute friends

A healthy dog is a happy dog!


Pax is awake and getting ready to get up and start the day. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

The 2024 Comedy Pet Photo awards in pictures

Clownfish with Terumbu Divers

Personally I want to find a way to monetize being cat furniture. I spend way too much time being bed, chair, or ground zero for a slap fight to be doing it for free.

I got to pet a very good dog today! My neighbor and his dog were in the parking lot heading towards their car when we got home. The dog was off leash (I don't think that's safe but oh well) and she walked right over to me, sniffed my hand, and demanded pets. She was very soft and the bestest girl! Very friendly with people and well trained. It made my afternoon!

Sometimes, it's just too hard to stay awake. Why fight it

Good night (or good day) to all you delightful people!

- update:

According to the Department of Housing and Land Regularization, approximately 20,000 & have been evacuated or rescued so far

> 15,000
> 5,000



Highly recommend an automatic pet feeder.

I never had cats over-eat (except one ex-feral) until the kittens, but it's been incredibly useful to be able to limit their food. Just from pix online, a lot of people have clearly overweight pets.

They'll live longer, be happier, and you'll save money too. $40 for an auto feeder seemed silly but it's really crazy cheap considering. The cats go NUTS for it too

This well-fed velvet paw appears to be either a Chartreux cat or a British Shorthair.
(May 2024)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
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This is how you

Help the North Minneapolis Pet Resource Center, part of My Pitbull Is Family! They're low on dry dog food and need our support. Donate directly at their facility or online ASAP! Visit www.mypitbullisfamily.org to make a difference. Let's keep those tails wagging!

<-- ON AIR

When will I die