Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Mini cat goes off-road (to vet)

Slightly longer video here:

Much gratitude to KSPCA for arranging a senior vet from other end of the state, a relief to hand over pets to experienced hands. I've had the privilege to watch operations, it's masterful work!

Met a handful very friendly ex-stray dogs who are recovering from injuries and awaiting forever homes.

My boy Jax

Feira de Adoo de pets em Barueri agita fim de semana no Tambor e na Vila Militar
Nesta sexta-feira (26), evento acontece das 10h 15h, no Parque Taddeo Canania, no Parque Imperial

Reached back a little after sunset, it got cold. But Mini cat was wrapped in a blanket and another one was wrapped around the backpack. She's warm, still wobbly but happy to be back home!

Arranged for neutering remaining boy cats, so no sleep tonight either, but it'll get better once they stop getting stupid high on testosterone. I'll get some sleep once they chill out, will take 2-3 months. But there's hope for my sanity!

Here's one for me and the boys:

Feira de Adoo de pets em Barueri agita fim de semana no Tambor e na Vila Militar
Nesta sexta-feira (26), evento acontece das 10h 15h, no Parque Taddeo Canania, no Parque Imperial

Some gentle play this morning.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all our Mastodon friends! Have a happy Friday.

Pax thinks this damp, grey morning is a good excuse for staying in bed.

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

# #

Helping Mom with the ironing happy Friday everyone its been very windy last night

Sedative given to Mini cat, operation begins soon!

No more kittens

She showed up on my farm late in the night on the same day I had vets over to spay 8 of my cats. Just when I thought I was done raising litters of kittens, the universe laughed. No vets were available until now, and she gave birth to 3 orange furballs in the meanwhile.

Please, universe, I have 17 cats now, no more!


Reached a little early for Mini cat's spaying operation, taking a chai break just outside Kodaikanal town.

Carrying her in backpack worn up front. Also have a proper pet carrier strapped on the back seat in case.

Tourist traffic was crazy as expected. Law of large numbers applies to the most populous country, met plenty of idiots on the road. But all good.

Now off to the vet.

Oh! And I can root some of the cuttings, then slip them into the seeds I sprout for them to forage in! Then the birds will freshen the air every time they try to find seed or nibble on sprouts! I've thought of lemon mint, chocolate mint, bee balm, and will keep my eye open for local wild mints. Also rosemary, which I heard they like still on the twig for foraging.

Bird owners, any suggestions for bird safe herbs that help freshen the air instead of incense/oils

Sophie and Ellie engaged in a raucous game of shouty bitey-face. Its cute as hell to watch, but I recommend wearing ear plugs for the shouty parts of the match.

Oh dear, miss Amy is feeling saucy and is posting her toe beans once more. She doesn't care if some think her a feline of low moral character. She knows her beans must be seen!

Can Dogs Eat Parboiled Rice:

Who gave Levi permission to be this cute How am I supposed to go through my day and get stuff done! This is not fair!


dog ec

Can Dogs Eat Alfredo Pasta:

Introduced Sunny and Sky to the video camera.

Pax is snug as a bug in a rug.
Good night/day Mastodon friends!

(January 2024)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
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Yeah Ive always trained all my pets , cats dogs, ferrets. My bffs cat plays fetch. It just takes patience & treats. Kind of like men.

We bought a new chair. Vlinder looks like a kitten in it! (:

The Bizarre Case of the Serial Cat Shaver!

Introducing the Newsmast Pets Community Feed. Hand-curated content from all over the Fediverse. A mix of hashtags, follows, filters and mutes to bring you up to date, engaging posts. Published by newsmastnewsmast.social as part of our mission to make knowledge accessible across social media.

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Please boost and help share knowledge in the Fediverse.

Humans can get their pets sick: Reverse zoonoses more common than once thought

Watch out, makers of the :
"Anyone can run a server, but a small handful of firms have real strangleholds on the large-scale computational infrastructures needed for , including for what devices like phones can do. These include providerslike Apple and Google providerslike Apple and Googleand providers likeyes!Apple and Google."

The eyes have it: 100 of the worlds cutest photos as chosen by readers. Cuteness overload in the Guardian today!

Shush! It is 7:45 in the morning. The jata still have not opened the door. Would they be asleep

Silncio! So 7h45 da manh. As (jata) ainda no abriram a porta. Estariam elas dormindo

Pet Refugee

Kittens, on the other hand

Can Dogs Have Walnuts To Eat

Mabel is gonna cat if she wants to in issue 4 of THE SPACE BETWEEN. See what the future holds as the story concludes! Out next week!

Disco the Dox, Side-Eye Master.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Kidney Beans:

I just found a piece of green plastic embedded in my dog's kibble It's Merrick Healthy Grains Real Salmon and Rice.

A little disheartened because it's taken me this long just to find a food that doesn't make him super ill after eating.

Pax is sleeping peacefully. We hope your evening/day is just as peaceful.

Kiki is such a princess. She claims any soft, cushy surface she can for her beauty naps. This time it's a pillow balanced on the sofa arm.

Irish will