Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

I'm noticing a lack of cat and dog pictures in my timeline.

So! Do you have a pet If so, feel free to reply with the pic! It doesn't necessarily have to be dogs and cats - any pet will do!

Doodle wishes you a very Happy !

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

My sister's dog had a stroke last night, and they've made the decision to have him put to sleep. He was 15, so he lived a good, long life. I feel terrible for them. They lost their other dog just last year.

That's the worst part of owning a pet. Unless you get a tortoise or a parrot, the odds are good you're going to outlive them.

Care for your Pet

I created this in honour of Zeke, who was one of the budgies I owned as a kid...


Pets I Wish I Could Have:

Daphne loves her little nook inside the bookcase/entertainment center.

Pax is up and feeling mighty perky this morning. Looks like we're in for some naughtiness today.

Good morning (or afternoon or evening) to all of you! And a very happy !

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

Huge sea snake

GXfv4 and I got a pet cat! We can't decide on a name for it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Golee has less than 1/2 of the vision and 1/3 the size of most dogs but makes up for it with like 500% enthusiasm and affection.

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Pets I Used to Have (or Wish I Could Have)

Watch this Insta Reel video, captured by the Kyiv Independent shows the moment that were reunited with theirg owner following the russian strike on a apartment building on Jan. 2. 130 residents were evacuated from the building, which caught fire during the morning missile attack.

Jacey before and after seeing the vet to treat a bad cold. She's 15 and her immune system may have also been affected by the cancer treatment she had. After seeing antibiotics to treat the obvious secondary infection and cleaning her face she looks a lot better.

Mating green turtles


120 Of The Most Heartwarming Pics Of Happily Adopted Pets (Best-Of-All-Time Edition)

Here're some work-in-progress pics of a painting that was made last year for a family in Canada. Message me if you've got any photographs you'd like to see painted!

Why wild animals do not make good pets - BBC

Our old lady has been enjoying the snow this month.

Today is National Love Your Pet Day... I love my pets every day

Good morning (or afternoon or evening) everyone! Pax is up and planning her day. I wonder what mischief she'll get into today

Trigger alert: eye contact

Our cat Penguin loves sleeping in the bathroom sink once or twice a week. He likes it cause sometimes he just needs to get away from it all. It's like a spa day for him. None of the other cats can annoy him. He can just Penguin-out + chill. He needs that!
At night time when we get up to go to the bathroom, he's always like 'Heyyyy,, can you turn the light off before you leave Thanks.'

The first layers of paint need to dry...

Junge Gelbbauchunken whrend der Reinigung ihres Aufzuchtterrariums.

Nachzuchten 2021


Bath time!
Young yellow-bellied toads during the cleaning of their rearing terrarium.

Offspring 2021

defeat evil creatures in my World of Wiz
A free to play game with option to tip.

This is Podge

Animals are such agreeable friends they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. George Eliot.

Ten quotes for Love Your Pet Day:

Mehr... Lieblingsfotos
More... Favorite photos
by Artist: in Loc.: Africa - Title: untitled -

I wonder where my post about dog collars went. It was there, it got boosted, it vanished.

I wonder whether dogs and cats are conscious of those lit-up collars which seem to be gaining in fashion over here.

Have I introduced you guys to my friend Boris He has a bit of an attitude problem,but he's really ok.

Pax is a sleepyhead. Time for bed.

Good night/day to all our Mastodon friends!

My best friends dog needs surgery!
Spot has been having a lot of health issues since he wrangled out of his harness and a car hit him.

Gofundme link below!!!

Bath time!
Young yellow-bellied toads during the cleaning of their rearing terrarium.

Offspring 2021

I love when the kittens do that "Kaiju Combat" thing where they both stand up and 'hug' violently like "yes this is fighting moves"

Reasons not to get a dog: how to make an informed decision

It's ! Kukla says hi on this lovely afternoon.

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

General Fashion