Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

A girl & her dog.
First time walking him by herself!

I discovered a new type of nematode.

Dog video break

Daphne says she has my purse and she's ready to go shopping. Let's go!

Samu liebt es einfach nur dazuliegen und gestreichelt zu werden

My ferocious panther.

My part munchkin cat. .
I've never had such an aggressively affectionate cat.


Voglia di tenerezza.

Ranger has opinions about my life choices.

"Mom, do you have to take a picture of me now Can't you see I'm birdwatching"

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all. Have a very happy and safe !

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

It's fun when unrelated hashtags have a connection somewhere in some context.

Walkies with dogs while listening to enlightening discussions about FreeBSD jails.

This is actually a very good idea

Cosmo, Ranga, Benji

Yawn! Pax is getting very sleepy. Time to say good night or good day to all our Mastodon friends.

Morgan in Pink

Wanted to try out painting with only pinks and yellows! It's also the first painted pet portrait I've done in a while.

Silly kitty

Good afternoon Internet - refused to wake up and say 'Hi' this morning, so instead all I have to share of him are his and .


Poppy inspecting the curtains. Look at those whiskers.

Testing shelf-hosted infrastructure with chaos cats. Need metal brackets and screws asap.

People always loved to have fun with their pets...

The Tragedy of Ukraine's Abandoned Pets: Refugees from war have had to leave more than 100,00 much-loved animals behind, and rescues have slowed from a post-invasion high. At , I write about why Ukraine's animals are in crisis:

"Dog Trapped Inside Wall for a Month Rescued When New Tenant Heard Barking"

Un marciano sentado en el ala !!!

Say hi to my tiny pet Axolotl ghost named Lotty.


The most accurate map right here

In my world, it is a no-brainer. Cats make the best pets. They represent a balance between self-suffiency and companionship with a natural elegance to admire. Read my full post to better understand exactly why.

From her vantage point, Pax is keeping a close watch on her siblings. Nobody's gonna ambush her today!

Good morning, afternoon or evening. Happy to you all!

Cubaris Amber


Kitties reenact the recent eclipse.

Cavoodle Coach Podcast

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

can pass to humans.

May I

My dog Daisy. Hope springs eternal.

Oh hey, have a picture of my dog on a recent walk.

Some dairy cow glamour shots (porcellio laevis)

Pax is a snuggle bug tonight. Time to say good night or good day to all our Mastodon friends.

Woof Woof, a new era of travel made for dogs has arrived with the Launch of BARK Air.....a new global omnichannel dog brand with a mission to make all dogs happy!

Local shelters are experiencing a different side of Seattles dog obsession.

Best Tour in Carmel Valley Village