Here Meemo is trying to munch its brush...
Tie me kangaroo down, sport.
'It is one of the last places in the country the practice is allowed, but the government says they're concerned for the wellbeing of both humans and the reptiles. The Country Liberal Party opposition, however, has pledged its support for the practice and has promised a review of the rushed decision if elected.'
funny cats videos 2024
funny cats videos 2024 from SamtpfotenTV
PetsI thought I was done with parenthood. But the tortoises had other plans Emma Beddington
Pax is eager to get the day started. Let the shenanigans begin!
Happy Sunday to one and all!
Downing Street officials draw up plans for announcing death of Larry the cat in similar manner to Queen Elizabeth II
'Liz Trusss least favourite feline is a national treasure but could be near the last of his nine lives'
Celebrating new milestones on our march to
Come join the fun .
Mini is loving the warm sun after many rainy days. I was on the terrace for the same reason, just upright and walking while soaking up the morning sun.
Street Dog
Shriyash Kanekar
Father and Son
A smoothing appearance of and ---
Next Saturday, I'll get to see my mom's dogs, Minnie and Nardia again. Yes, I'll have plenty of toys, balls, and pig ears to give them. And they will enjoy the pets I'll give them.
Nationwide shares most unusual pet insurance claims of the year
*Hambone Award, named in honor of a dog who ate an entire holiday ham while stuck in a refrigerator,
*North Carolina dog who ate more than 250 jigsaw puzzle pieces.
*More in link below:
Tuxedo Cat Compilation
from SamtpfotenTV
Pax is happily dreaming of tuna.
Good night, or good day, to all our FediFriends!
Patience is a virtue
Una siesta para Chispas
HappyHarness training is progressing. Shes still not entirely happy about it, but at least its not like shes had a paralyze spell cast on her when the harness is on. The plan is to only let her out in a harness eventually. Currently shes still about 50% an outdoor cat. Maybe itll get easier once shes a bit older and not constantly on the move chasing stuff.
I took a selfie
Fancy goldfish, watercolor. I had a goldfish not a fancy one - just one from Petsmart, named Mr. Fish. He lived for nearly ten years and his tank was right by my computer so we could see each other all day. He inspired this painting.
Doodle, our hefty chonk, is ready for some serious napping.
Wishing you all a great weekend!
Funny cat videos
Funny cat videos from SamtpfotenTV
I know it's still August but the mood came on...
# #
Happy !
If you watch 1 thing today make it this
Heatwave + = happy 'flops' in (interesting..) places around the house
by family in w/YouTube channel just for its
Gentle voice
Loving laughter
Piano end
*Background TV cheering 1'25"-2'*
Watch for
1'55" (that FACE!)
3'14" (location! text = '1hr later')
I finished this one up recently, an acrylic watercolor of a feline that was painted on canvas for a gentleman in the USA. This type of thing's very affordable & makes a lovely gift to give to someone. Msg me if u have any photos u'd like me to take a look at
Pax is waiting with anticipation for CatDad to come downstairs so she can get started.
We hope your is happy and safe!
As of today the new Pet Abduction Act comes into effect in England and Northern Ireland.
It used to be the case that the theft of a beloved pet was treated the same as any other possession or property. This law change means that those who abduct pets will now face greater legal consequences than they would have previously.
Well done to Cats Protection and many others who campaigned to make this happen.
The Eyes...
Cat and more
Cat and more
Pubblicato su salvomic Photography
Cat and moreCat and more
Tim Dowling: my wife has fallen madly in love with a puppy called Nothing
Owen says hello