Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Had a wonderful day off at Noo noos happy

Nova and Scout hit new a just in time for

Come join the team

Pax is keeping a close eye on her siblings. There's no way she'll let the gang of wandering marauders sneak up on her!

Good morning, afternoon, or evening to you dear people!

SURVIVIED. If you know me..
First, I am so sorry about my babbling shite. Con...

Are some of your household products killing insects and wildlife

Dives in Lombok - Gili

Blue Cuban Knight Anoles (Anolis equestris potior), family Dactyloidae, found on Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba

photograph by Frank Payne

met a new friend this morning: - How gorgeous and cheerful she is!

Yes, this is your box and you are a dark cuddly fluffy ball!

Dolce & Gabbana lana perfume para cachorro por R$ 605



Here is my Neko. Id love for you to caption this picture!

People often wonder how we domesticated various animals, but my experience with dnd parties has given me a pretty simple answer.

Human sees apex predator in woods.
"Aww I want to pet it and take it home."

you say Isnt that everyday

you say Isnt that everyday

Our little pixie Pax has lost her battle to stay awake. Sweet dreams baby!

Good night, or good day, to all our Mastodon friends!

Best Carpet Cleaner Machine For Pets

Living with pets means your home can get messy fast. Dogs and cats bring joy but also bring dirt and stains. Even with lots of pet hair tools, accidents can still happen. That's why a carpet cleaner is key to keeping your home clean. These machines help fight against stains on carpets, upholstery, and even car seats. We looked at 95 cleaners to find the top ones for pet owners.

A refreshing and somewhat controversial view of dog ownership from non-owner. TLDR Dog parents - no need to overreact, go spend more time with your puppy!

Enjoy !

Take a deep breath - handmade ink and watercolor:

23 Meowtastic Cat Memes That Are Too Hissterical to Miss Before the Weekend Woohoo! The weeken...

Oh happy

This is Soot and her favorite toy, I bought 4 more since it's already beat up. She yells if she loses it under furniture, brings it with her to your bed when she sleeps, and throws/drops it on me to tell me to throw it.

Happy International cat day to those that celebrate. Acadia, Gaia, and Ragnar.

I like this new term Im seeing for the anniversary of your adoption, Gotcha Day. Except for Tickles, below, itd have to be Got-us Day. We didnt get her. She got us.

Good morning randos!

An orange kitteh snuggle for each of you Goblin sends his love but would really rather focus on his very important nap.

Today is ! Of course, those of us with feline overlords know that it's really EVERY day. :)

Cant believe weve had this little dude for 5 years today

Funny Cats 2024 Episode 173

Funny Cats 2024 Episode 173 from SamtpfotenTV

You can't see her face, but this is what I see most mornings if I don't get up early enough to satisfy the needs of my roly-poly chihuahua.

She's facing my bed and staring at me waiting for me to get up.

We do love our krazy kats! Have a good oneHappy International Cat Day!

Pax and the 4 wandering marauders all wish you a Happy International Cat Day!

My furry friends are so helpful.

PERRY: Dog gone. Despite the pet peeves, family is unforgettable

'For almost 11 years I had to do things to orifices on that dog that I wouldnt do for my own kid, or even myself'

The look I get when I tell Pax she can't use the paper towels as a scratching post.

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you all! Happy !

Today, on , I have spent a lot of time communicating with the vet and picking out an urn because is sadly so sick that tomorrow he will miaow his last miaow and be put to sleep.

Which means that he'll be leaving our loving household and his loving sister .

Happy International Cat Day, you lovable fur-balls. I'm sorry it'll be your last, Harold.

Nice Leaf scorpionfish

Sadly, every lawn care company I've called offers the same treatment: "pay me to mow your grass more often." Because really that's all you can do, anyway.

It DOES go away on its own after 3-6 weeks (depending on weather), and it probably will not come back the next year.

Some things you can do to expedite the process:
* Fertilize and water the infected grass often to encourage growth, BUT only water IN THE MORNING, so the grass will dry out quickly. Being wet overnight encourages it to grow and spread.

* Mow often, but USE A BAG MOWER. You do not want to spread the fungus by spreading the lawn clippings. If you pay a lawn service, insist they use a bag mower on the infected regions and offer to pay a little more for bagging the grass.

* Mention it to your neighbors, especially the ones with dogs or outdoor cats. Most likely, they could be having the same experience.

It's so important that people know it, Unfortunately, too many people throw away their pets on the streets for making holidays. The SPA in France is overwhelmed with work every summer. Animals found at the main roads are traumatised, these people could even bring them to the shelters!

I would love to travel with our dog, but he's not in his best health to have vaccines for passport. He has a big lump on his chest that cannot be operated on as it is touching his ribcage. So we just do day outs.

Irish will