Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Good morning Mastodudes, Mastodudettes, and MastoDon'tLabelMeBruhs!

Hanging out with my pricklier kitteh. His most favorite thing ever is being wrapped up and baby-carried around. Enjoy.

""These are two historic storms. That unfortunately means a lot of animals' lives will be in danger," MSPCA-Angell Vice President of Protection Mike Keiley told Axios.

Keiley said the best way for New Englanders to help is to adopt already in to free up kennel space for newcomers."

via Axios :

Care for your Pet


Pax appears to be deep in thought this morning. I wonder what that walnut-sized brain is cooking up now

Good morning and happy to you!

Happy our beautiful friends

Cuttlefish on a tube sponge in Gili - Lombok

Beautiful Persian cat blue eyes

Long tail birds flying love


It seems it is furniture assembly time. Don't forget to bring along your helper

Our little sleepy-head is warm and cozy in her special nook in the entertainment center.

Good night, or good day, to all you dear people! Please stay safe.

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Our tabby cat named Sunday wants to show you her magnificent whiskers.

Happy !

Too big, too powerful Why big box retail chains like Bunnings and Petstock are being scrutinised
By Emilia Terzon

Bunnings is Australia's most trusted brand. But allegations the hardware chain has been abusing its market power have prompted a Senate inquiry, that is set to scrutinise the market power of many large format retailers.

Teen runs into burning building to save woman, then runs in again to save her dogs

Joey and Sheena

Explore the Most Stunning Boa morphs with exclusive pictures!

Visit this site to explore more

Explore the Most Stunning Corn snake morphs with exclusive pictures!

Visit this site to explore more

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Cute cat kittens

The MSPCA-Angell, which works with national organizations to transport from disaster-stricken areas, has already taken in 83 animals (mostly and ) from North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida after being hit by Hurricane Helene. The group also plans to send staff to help with disaster relief and reuniting lost .


Introducing your to your .

This weekend I am streaming for 24 hours to raise money for the amazing Blue Cross. Come along to help kittens, puppies, bunnies and more as we have a great time in a huge variety of games.

Donate to push me towards challenges, or win yourself a game!

What has captured Pax's full attention this morning I guess one of the gang of wandering marauders has come too close.

Good morning, afternoon or evening! Happy to you!

Beautiful colours bird

Der Hund bellt trumend vor sich hin.

animal rescue > Animal lovers clear the shelters at Medley Animal Services to foster while owners seek shelter from

Beautiful Finch birds aviary

king of all I survey

Snuggles on the couch

On demand telehealth veterinarians for your fur-baby. It's real and surprisingly good value, though you may still need a vet in real life.

The happy face of Minnie the dog enjoying all the love and pets!

It's snooze time for our girl Pax.

Good night, or good day, to all our FediFriends!

My new Lil "Mookie" a mixed with a a .. Sweet, funny, fun, lunatic.

Ok - youre making me angry. You like unchewed baseboards Warm up those bats otherwise Ill deploy my bunny army and youll come home to !!

First prototype of a notification widget for the family to help us keep track of if the dogs have been fed recently. This version just raises and lowers a flag attached to a servo. The idea is to push the button and have the flag go up. Then a microcontroller will start a counter and lower the flag after 6 hours or so.

Hurricane season with pets: How to include furry friends as Hurricane Milton heads to Florida

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