Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Going To The Dogs! Original dog art prints and watercolour illustrations, dog breeds, dog prints, dog gifts and other canine surprises!

What Fifi the dogs final months can show us about cancer treatment and caring until the end Ranjana Srivastava

Pax is content to lounge around this morning. No doubt she making plans for some mayhem this afternoon.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all our Mastodon friends!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Oh to be a cat snoring their little nogging off like a baby.

Morning Mina: the kneadieast goblin alive.

(You can see her heart shaped cutie mark if you look closely )

Happy birthday Dad I will give you my present when I wake up xxx Happy our friends .

Having thrust more nightmare fuel into everyone's stream late at night, I bring you: GIANT CATS ATTACKING TRAINS

My boa imperator Bingo

My handsome boy

How to accustom a cat to walks: rules that will help your pet make friends with the street

Forgot to post it earlier, so have a new dog pic!

Pax sleeps in some of the silliest positions.

Good night or good day to all of you!

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. --Albert Einstein

is now at 90% completion! approve of it.

In a week or two we'll install a door (for human access) and a transparent roof to keep most of the rain off of it.

While Im recovering, my love is playing in good company.
Btw if youre looking for a nice action-rpg with rats as main characters this game is perfect and really sweet and challenging. A second opus will be released in the future !

California Dog Missing Since July Is Found In Michigan

So all week the boys and dad have been in the garden making a path , and I have been trying to help !!! In the sand , concrete and digging all I keep hearing is Teddy get off that I think the humans like my help lol Happy our friends .

Design Milk : Bad Marlon Elevates Mealtime + Dog Walks With New Accessories

<-- ON AIR
Check out the radio channel for more wacky

Allie says gove her snacky snck please.

Pax is planning her day around the upcoming eclipse. The cover of darkness is a real plus when her aim is mischief!

Good day or good night to you! Hope you have a wonderful Monday. Happy Eclipse Day to all who celebrate!

The pet Ill never forget: Oscar the rescue dog, who stole our eggs and our hearts

Cats, dogs and a baby goat caused more than 50 household fires over 10 years in Japan. A government agency is now urging pet owners to take precautions.

Lhtisik viikko nyt paremmin kyntiin kun aurinko paistaa

Hyv alkanutta viikkoa kaikille

The catio is about 70% complete! Weather was not cooperating.

Still need to finish the wire mesh, build/install the roof, and install the door. Should have it in a cat-usable state tomorrow though. My wife and I are tired.

A lazy Sunday afternoon.

Ignore the clutter and my makeshift end to the bed and look at those two cats sleeping near each other. Lula (on the right) is a semi-feral 16-year-old. It has taken 6.5 years for Augie to get her to this violence- and aggression-free moment. He never gives up. Liking him is not a choice.

Pax had a fun day. We hope you did too.

Good night or good day to all of you!


Alter Katzer...

Do you think it is or is not okay when people refer to their pets as their babies or fur babies

The two boys are lounging around today. A nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

here's a piece i wrote for forbes but chickened out before publishing it there. what do you think: should i publish it on forbes

Left Behind Pet Care Will Care For Your Pets After Your Rapture by

here's a piece i wrote for forbes but chickened out before publishing it there. what do you think: should i publish it on forbes

Left Behind Pet Care Will Care For Your Pets After Your Rapture by

here's a piece i wrote for forbes but chickened out before publishing it there. what do you think: should i publish it on forbes

Left Behind Pet Care Will Care For Your Pets After Your Rapture by

here's a piece i wrote for forbes but chickened out before publishing it there. what do you think: should i publish it on forbes

Left Behind Pet Care Will Care For Your Pets After Your Rapture by

I could do a whole year of Photo A Day/Project 365 with these two but that might be lazy since I can usually grab a decent photo just using Scene>Pet Portrait setting in my old beat-up Coolpix P610 & i'm pretty sure the point of these challenges is to learn new stuff...

Their love is so cute tho...

Pax is having fun this morning. She loves to squeeze herself into tight places and play there.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all our Mastodon friends!

GPS Walking Tours