Discover why the best quality dog food you can afford does matter.
Happy Muddy Dog Day! Discover how to bathe your pup and not kill your back.
What's your "why" for your dog Discover why it's important.
Pax wishes you all a very happy ! Have a great day and stay safe everyone.
And if you live in the US and can vote today, please do!
Puliamo lambiente
Puliamo lambiente
Pubblicato su salvomic Photography
Puliamo lambientePuliamo lambiente
good Saturday morning every one. My poodle alarm woke me promptly at 7 AM. I am drinking coffee and catching up on news. I love my morning quiet time. Our beagle Lucy turns 12 today so we will more than likely take her to a pet friendly store and stop off for a on the way home. Our our really spoiled.
Hermit crab duroing a night dive in Lombok - Gili
Fluffy Coco having fun happy our wonderful friends
It's and Cappuccino is feeling bold.
Something outside (bird) has got the attention of the other cats.
the in mood --- today early in the morning for gusto
Mrunal Thakur gives a glimpse of best vatavaran in Rishikesh
#cats #dogs #furryfriends #himalayas #love #pets #rishikesh #tichkitrek #travel #trekking #uttarakhand
Our neighbor's escaped into our yard this evening, but my wife managed to save it from our cat () before he could sink his murderous claws into it.
Neighbors don't really speak English, but were super pleased to have the little critter returned. She was a charming little motherclucker, and super tame. I'm glad our monster didn't get at her.
I think I'm just starting to get better. The news is still crazy, so have a happy Indy from this week.
Another top contender for best Camouflage is the freaking adorable Pygmy Seahorse. These cute little buttons are literally the size of a button and almost indistinguishable from the coral where they hang out. This is a far cry from the nightmare fish from last follow the hashtag to catch up on what you missed!
Find me on !!
Pax is tired and winding down. Soon she'll be fast asleep.
Good night, or good day, to all of you!
Alpha Square Mall ter feira para adoo de pet neste sbado (26)
Ao acontecer em parceria com o grupo Protetores Alpha
Alpha Square Mallter feira para adoo depetneste sbado (26)
Ao acontecer em parceria com o grupo Protetores Alpha
Do you know the unspoken rules of the dog park
Learn how to create a budget for your fur kid and adjust it as needed.
Discover how to host a Halloween party and have a calm dog.
Some fun autumn date ideas including your furry buddy that won't break the bank.
Discover how to find a groomer you and your best furry buddy will love.
Relax dey say, Start der weekend dey say.
Me says, okays as long as you means like der Empress Clover does.
Me is relaxing in ma fields now wiv some halloweeny snac .
Last Fish Friday I posted some of the most terrifying creatures of the deep in celebration of the only holiday that really matters, !!
Today I am going to mix it up and show off fish showing off the first annual Crystal Fish Caves !!
First up, Sea Slugs. They may have no bones but that does not stop them being Absolutely Fabulous!!!
Follow to catch up and visit my Ebay store for all your Fish decor (books jewelry...) needs.
PetsMy laptop has been taken over.
here's the salmon boa to explore more clicj here
Pre-Order Holiday Feast Beef Marrow Bones - Give your pup a mini-holiday feast! Available in 1pk or 4pk .
Pax is happily awaiting , her favorite day of the week.
We all wish you a very happy Friday and a great weekend ahead!
Living their best lives.
Time for a catnap - Sweet dreams ...
Its and its lets smash it Team
Lola preparing for bed
on the Road.
Sleep has overtaken Pax. Time to say good night!
Have a cozy evening everyone!
Discover simple ways to reduce your dog's expenses.
Discover why your furry friends may like an alternative to smudging.