Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Cuando el cartero viene a casa

Haircut and blow dry for me Teddy and Bear , thank you Sue .

California community comes together to find beloved cat: It is so appreciated

"What's that I smell Could it be tuna"

Pax and all of us wish you a very happy !"

Trigger alert: eye contact

Pax is plotting and planning her day from the comfort of the dog's bed. I wonder what's on her mind today

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all of our Mastodon friends!


"Moncayo, a single father, took 5-year-old Sabrina along for his Grubhub drop-off, thinking hed spend just a few seconds making the delivery.

But as Moncayo approached the shelter on Feb. 10, he spotted a sweet-looking pooch staring at him through the front window. The reminded him of his late dog, Rusty, who ran away nearly 30 years ago.

Theyre identical, said Moncayo, 51. Rusty was exactly the same stature and build."

This is .

Fun fact: She is a female misogynist. She specifically hates other female dogs. She even had a puppy playmate but she started hating her as soon as they became teenagers. What an absolute bitch.

She kinda cute tho

Bad Mother Fucker

This is our dog Jules named after Jules Winnfield. We're pretty sure he's part cat, we're not allowed to go pet him but he'll appear out of nowhere on your lap demanding pets.


Ok vienici a prendere, siamo pronti.

Dedicated to my little tiger boys

I probably look like an American prepper every time I buy rolls of tissue in bulk. We have bidets on this side of the planet, however, I have 7 male cats and it's a literal pissing contest all over the house.

*wears gloves and pulls out cleaning spray*

Time to reset the arena!

A study published in 2020 by the FSA estimated that there were 2.4 million cases of foodborne disease in 2018 in the UK, with 16,400 admissions. Among the most common infections are and , an infection associated with eating or handling raw or undercooked and touching . An estimated 67% of the cases are attributable to .

Tips to lower chances on food poisoning: go ... for the win

A diver and a cloud of small fish

A video highlighting Nova and Scout wonderful faces that always bring joy to the people who meet them

SIGN NOW: Protect the planet from plastic pollution!

Tell Local Leaders to Take the Pledge for Monarchs

Pax is showing off a little leg as she goes to Dreamland.

Good night (or good day) to all of you good folks!

Another little sketchbook kitty ...

This "lucky cat" lived in the Cologne Flora (botanical garden) all year round for a long time.
(December 2019)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
, , , ,

"And what are you staring at"

He's got a new harness

Standard procedure: one naps while one makes sure the squirrels arent getting too comfortable out there.

Momo jaan!

Brownie is quite the poser

Our cat named Sunday says Happy !

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

It's ! Pax is showing off her adorable pink and black beans.

It's a grey, wet and dismal day here so Pax figures it's best just to stay in bed.

Good morning (or afternoon or evening) to all our Mastodon friends!

Trigger alert: direct eye contact

Benji was in my lap and Badam wanted to join

People, Pets and Places
Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life. Bertolt Brecht

"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." Marcus Aurelius

Recently, a colleague from overseas asked for some advice on where to go and what to do for a weekend in Boston. Answering this

Dogman review Luc Bessons bizarre and macabre tale of canines, crime and drag

Bluespotted ribbontail ray, a stingray in Gili islands

Nova the was looking for a nap in the sun but too many people, birds, and other cats moving around to get any sleep

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." --Max Mller

When you're laying in bed next to your boyfriend in the middle of the night and he suddenly farts in his sleep.

Ella es Lola,mi perrita. Ha cumplido 16 aos de servicio amoroso en nuestro hogar, que s el suyo. Ha quedado cieguita y su artrosis le dificulta mucho la movilidad.
No obstante Lola pone el pecho a esas balas y a fuerza de corazn trata muy dignamente de continuar su vida con normalidad, mezclandose con las otras cuatro perritas sus hijas y nietas pasando sus ltimos dias en este su hogar rodeada de amor y atenciones de esta su familia humana que tanto amor le debe.
Ellos nos dan su amor hasta el final, nosotros respondemos tambien y de la misma manera. Asi la vida fluye, el dolor se aplaca y el amor sigue all, presente en todo momento.

Pax is living up to her name. She is sleeping peacefully.

Good night (or good day) to all of you folks!

bring people big health boost: Poll

It's a brown tabby tower

executor duties