Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

My trusty companion stands watch over the trail as I dawdle on my photography
I really like the splash of color these marsh pea (Lathyrus palustris ()) flowers give to the scene here

Boosting for reach! Please

A with was at a July adoption event in near

Rabies can spread by getting saliva in a scratch on your hand

Rabies can incubate in a person for several months

Rabies is fatal if treatment is not given prior to symptoms

Anyone who attended the event MUST contact Colorado for screening

Looks like daydreaming is on Pax's "to do" list today.

Hope you can have a lovely, lazy Sunday as well!

I love my two cats but would they miss me if I were gone Science says: maybe not Elle Hunt

"I put a net in the car, so my dog doesn't distract me"

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Walking the dog...

Bundle of sleepy beagles



Side eye Little Twinkle

I know you've got something tasty up there!

La mascota de mi sobrina, Algodn de Azcar

Nobody does a smoosh-head like Pax.

Good night, or good day, to all our Mastodon friends!

Chispas en su caja

When spaniels attack.

We might be getting a hint of a tummy in place of the skin-and-bones look she was sporting before. Her fur is also getting thicker. Its amazing what proper nutrition and it doesnt have to be anything super expensive can do.

Happy Caturday!
From, Jelly Bean

Birthday boy is three!

"Hey, I heard you have treats."

Happy everyone!

Post your below!!!
I dare you!!!
I will also be gone post of the day and it would be cute to see when I get back home tonight!!!

The best of mornings to all you mastodon chums!

wishes a happy as well.

Have a wonderful day!

Black and white cat handmade ink drawing -->

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Cats relaxing. Have a relaxing .

We're dog watching Sinjo a tall greyhound mix who really REALLY want our lunch.Also a bit of a celebrity since he's mentioned often in the Swedish podcast Flashback ForeverSo I guess he thinks our lunch is part of his rider or something

Posted into DOGGY ...woff

Ziggy in yur face.

Our cat Flower steals paper towels and then sleeps on top of them. She loves them sooo much. And toilet paper. Any type of paper.

Day 3 with this little Twinkle

Have a chill

We're dog watching Sinjo a tall greyhound mix who really REALLY want our lunch.
Also a bit of a celebrity since he's mentioned often in the Swedish podcast Flashback Forever
So I guess he thinks our lunch is part of his rider or something

Dachshund Dog pets Animals Hund it Chien Perro Anjing

Pink scorpionfish

The Battle with Suitcase...



Gatto aretuseo

