Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Apparently today is . That's every day in my house!

Neste fim de semana, Barueri ter feiras de adoo de pets em diversas regies
Nesta sexta-feira (12), das 10h s 15h, o Boulevard Central

Neste fim de semana, Barueri ter feiras de adoo de pets em diversas regies
Nesta sexta-feira (12), das 10h s 15h, o Boulevard Central



"Rough night. Where's my coffee"

Pax and all of us wish you a good morning (or afternoon or evening)! Have a very happy Friday!

Why not follow for more and

"I have this weird compulsion to touch it nine times in a row. Why"

Hairy Scary Rabbit

An oil painting of a very hairy, lop-eared rabbit named Hairy Scary! An impressionist rabbit painting completed with a palette knife for a thick furry texture!

Cozy moments at home with Jesse, my little darling, dozing off on my chest as I lay in bed. His slighly ragged fur tells me he needs needs a bath this weekend, but for now, we're just enjoying the peace. Shadow his grandfather is snoozing right beside us, adding to the quiet joy of the evening. I love listening to my babies as they softly snore in their sleep.

Doggy Unknown Japan Earthquake 2024/01/01

Pax is fast asleep on her CatDad.
Hope you all have a good night (or good day)!

<-- ON AIR

"You're pretty big, you know!"
(seen in Altwindeck, municipality of Windeck/ Rhein-Sieg district)
(January 2024)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
, , , ,

Cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of.

Sir Walter Scott

"I heard Mom say this was an important paper......do you think she'd mind if I crumpled it up"

New , painted by Muai, msg me if interested! Lots of great vibes coming from this one, really bright and cool stuff!

Uh-Oh. Pax doesn't have a clue that she's under surveillance.

to Beau's impression of Superman. Nailed it!

i cleaned out the old nest box projects that are filled with lovebird ribbons and this morning i witnessed this debate about which new box will be chosen...

this is only a cell phone photo which won't be my usual camera for my Project 365 but it's kind of cute

Respeto tu opinion pero


Today your friends at & are announcing a new concept: the
which is a generic designation for a snapshot in which the Moon is a main subject.

It's part of a of concept including     (& so on). If you are photographing your or your or your under the , try giving them one of these . Then we can try giving your a boost (up to the Moon) which is what we love to do. Share your on

Image is a cartoon of dogs and cats sitting on chairs in a support group setting and explaining they are confused by all the different names their owners call them. Caption says: Our tortie or calico cat was Mabel, from there she went to Binkle, no idea how, and then to Binkle Fairy. Our black fluffy cat Maurice was then Monster Munch, (he was huge) then Mozzie then Mozzie Moo. Malcolm was Malc then Malkie Moonpie. No wonder they get confused!

How appropriate! A kitty loaf at breakfast time.

Pax and all of us wish you a good morning (or afternoon or evening)! Have a happy !

CW: eye contact with a cat

The best care for pets might just be a melody away.

Imagine using music not just to soothe ourselves but to create a calming oasis for our pets.

From classical tunes for dogs to species-specific melodies for cats, music is proving to be a powerful tool in enhancing our pets' well-being

Watch out for the subtle influence of sound waves and read my article here


When I say mother nature is kind to me, I'm never kidding. These photos were taken less than an hour apart.

The first was when walking the dogs, the second after they had been fed and back to their den.

It was warm and pleasant just when we needed it, and now it's damp and cold.

knows whenever I open the fridge door.

A run in the meadow in the last light.

Sunny again by evening!

This is Teeny cat recovering from her injury on nose. Seems to be doing well.

Enemy Spotted! EP2

For the mental health of you and your loved ones, give and receive as many pets as possible.

: Yeah... Your turn!
: I was just heading to the shower. You can help by brushing my fur.
Eli wags his tail excitedly.

Pax is falling asleep. It's time for her to go to bed.
Good night (or good day) Mastodon friends!

Went out today to try and find any snow/sleet remnants after sun came up, and found a few spots. There are two in this image but mostly I just like it for Edraith looking epic. Ten years old and more fit than I am, haha!

Credit u/kanieno on Reddit

This made me laugh. Mainly because it reminds me of the monthly horror of having to give our last cat tablets and then stepping in the crushed remains of them a few days later.

<-- ON AIR

Who Was the Mysterious Woman Buried Alone at the Pet Cemetery

Daphne's enjoying some blissful sleep.

Love to see their brain figuring out puzzles

I feel still has a bit of work to do on understanding the concept of personal space.

Doodle wants to wish you a happy !

CW: eye contact with a cat

My pony