Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

A savoring a fresh kill.

Pax is on the alert and looking for action this morning. I'm sure her siblings will give her plenty of it.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all of you! Happy Tuesday!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Thought I'd share Adorable Lulu from my dog collection, Happy Tuesday!
Available here..


(Instagram 20.06.2020)

Hardwired to eat: what can our dogs teach us about obesity podcast

Outdoor pet areas added to two more BC Ferries vessels
BC Ferries has added outdoor pet areas to two more of its vessels, bringing the total to six.

Outdoor pet areas added to two more BC Ferries vessels
BC Ferries has added outdoor pet areas to two more of its vessels, bringing the total to six.

Kiki has a box

Queen Schmoo, my 4+ year old calico Norwegian Forest Cat, enjoying some spring sunshine in the back porch. Shes rapidly losing her magnificent winter mane and changing into her summer fur coat.


Yawn! Pax is getting ready to go to Dreamland.

Good night or good day everyone!

If I caught a goldfish, I would have only one wish. To be with my late grandparents, for Christmas or Easter, or for any occasion, just so we can all be here again, all of us, one more time, together.
Along with all our pets that we had.

Well, this is a first. I have never before seen Doodle fully inside the holiday house. He has stuck his head in, yes, but he has never before gotten his whole body inside. I'm kind of surprised that he fit!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

No decent snow this year, but for have Lusha in her element.

I am currently brushing out her winter floof, so the garden is covered by a very different kind of snow each morning..

Look at both faces in second image...

Sharks in Lombok - Gili - indonesia

Its raining again and 8 degrees whats happening with the weather!!! Happiest our friends .

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Pax likes to squeeze into narrow spaces. This spot is her favorite. She can easily swat at her siblings as they walk by, while she remains protected by her fortress.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all of our Mastodon friends!

The pet Ill never forget: Brutus the schnauzer, who arrived with my ex and hung around for far longer

Also have a new picture for too

Toinen y koiran kanssa yht tyllistv kuin edellinenkin.

Oma piha ei ei riittnyt, vaan kvimme kahdella pitkll ykvelyll, joista viimeisin pttyi 04.30.
Suihkun ja kuivaamon kautta tietenkin, koska ripuli jtti jlkens. Sitten tilanne rauhoittui ja voitiin nukkua 07.50 asti.

Ja arvatkaapa mit t olento nyt tekee

Kuva toimikoon vihjeen

I believe it's a good scratch...

A neighbor said they found a pet turtle abandoned by someone outside their house. I told them they probably shouldnt go near it because it looked like a snapping turtle, which is odd because theyre not typically found on the west coast of the U.S. Turns out I was right! Luckily a reptile rescue came to take it away and hopefully find a good home for it.

is something of a basket case. We love him anyway, and his weird little face.

should really market these baskets as a pet product, our critters love em.

my crazy dog

Sleepytime is upon us. Good night (or good day) to all of you!

Jane Goodall tells no lies. Dogs are the best.

Spend time today to add a bioactive litter for my little chaos potatoes to their cage setup.
It was only chaos when they discovered it :blobcatthisisfine:

Enjoy a bunny. I just cleaned a bunch of poop out of her butt and some off her feet. I could not get the nose poop. Why does she have nose poop.

Pax and Daphne are sharing a quiet moment together, in between moments of squabbling with one another.




And good Afternoon!

Had a brilliantly productive day in the garden today, beds are filled, beans are in, shoulders are aching.

Its been a good day.

Pax is looking over her territory from on high. I wonder what mischief she'll get into today

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you all!

Trigger alert: EC with a cat

Ruth needs to be plucked like her BFF.

Happy Sunday
Scaredy Cat

Good Morning!

Es gibt nichts besseres als den Ball

If there're any pug lovers out there, my buddy has this one hanging up the entrance to her studio + gallery downtown msg me if interested!

Today is this girls 4th birthday. Happy birthday to Millie!

joke docs