Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

A bit of an update since we've lost a member of our family:

We are slowly healing, I want to stress slowly cause processing and dealing with grief and loss is different for everyone, I have my moments but I am taking steps forward every day. To me forward progress is just taking small steps to the new normal

My cats, are becoming cats They have been a lot more active since Phoebe passed. Lefty is more alert and Naomi is taking over mother-hen duties it seems also

Smoky, my 2 year old male Domestic Blue kitten and Max, my 2 1/2 year old male Domestic Shorthair Classic Tabby cat, watching the citys road pothole patching crew work on our street through the Venetian blinds kitty observation port that I made for the cats to peer out in both north side windows. Their tails were both wagging with interest in the new goings on outside for them to check out.

What do you feed your dogs in a large number

"Hey there!
Touch my paw, I dare you!"

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you. Happy !

Elderly aristoc(r)at number two. Hes not amused by another cat trying to join the household. Hes a homebody, so theres no chance of getting him acquainted outside, like with the orange cat. They only meet when the new kitty manages to sneak inside. Were hoping hed change his mind in the end, but so far its only been hissing and running away

Inside the dark world of

New movie premieres today at





Chat carthaginoise (Carthage )


Chat carthaginoise (Carthage )

Pubblicato su salvomic Photography

Chat carthaginoise (Carthage )

Chat carthaginoise (Carthage )

I wish you a relaxing Caturday!

Relaxing cat in the green handmade acrylic painting -

Just a little something fun for a good start to the weekend

When you buy your dog a bed, they lick your hand thankfully and sleep in it for the rest of their life.
When you buy your cat a bed, they scratch your hand frustratedly and go sleep on the sofa.

The boss.

Miss Mia the cavoodle has more shoes than her owner, part of a trend of spoiled pets
By Jessica Lamb

Pet owners are sacrificing spending in other areas of their lives to afford luxury pet items as a form of escapism in the cost-of-living crisis, according to researchers.

Sweet Joey Puppycat Ramone

So this afternoon, I got the lifetime subscription to Pixie bot. For those of you who dont know, pixie bot is an app that describes not only photos, but also it describes videos to you. The interface for taking the video is quite easy in my opinion, and I also bought the lifetime subscription to help out to developer in future releases of this app. I took a video of me petting my dog and Im uploading it here. Upon testing it out, it seems that even when I save the video to my device and open it the regular way, not using pixie bot, voiceover will still describe What is happening in the video since it was made with pixie. Im curious if everyone is able to access the description by cooking on the video. Please let me know what you think. so upon further inspection, when I opened the video on Mastodon after posting it, it did not come up with the description. But I figured out another way to do that. I figured out that if I go into the video and select the text that was output by pixie bot, or the close caption description as its called in the regular video app, I can select it all. So Im going to try adding all text.

New for more styles and colors now available!

Find me on !!

Pax is in her favorite little nook sleeping peacefully.

Good night or good day to all our Mastodon friends!

Happy ! I am branching out into Creatures for my Aquarium Decor store. Now these guys need names! I came up with 'Squidwordle' yesterday and have been blank ever since.
Do chime in.

Find me on !!

Been a while since I done one a' these!

Chime in an' try ta' name these super-pets! Wrong answers only!

(Art sampled from "Super-Pets Special: Bitedentity Crisis" Vol. 1 #1. Edits: Captions and Labels Added, Altered Dialogue.)

My son and son-in-law are getting a new . It's a poodle/Bernese mountain mix. It's really cute.

They are going to name it TJ after my son-in-laws terminally ill mom. It's bittersweet.

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categories: Pets & Animals,Ventura County,Santa Barbara County,beaches,animals in peril,poison,sea lion,oceans
language: en
object: pets-animals/sea-lions-stranding-on-socals-coast-with-signs-of-algae-...
objecturl: https://abc7ny.com/post/sea-lions-are-stranding-themselves-coast-v...
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srccopyright: Copyright 2024 ABC Inc., WABC-TV New York
time: 2024-08-02T19:16:57Z

Also doing these adorable portraits of pets!! Doesn't have to be cats, though that's what i've been requested the most hehe.
Feel free to DM me or order directly from if interested!!

It's a rough month and my bank just cheated me of the money I had for groceries so it would help out a lot <3

Irresponsible Neighbors: Dealing with Pets Invading Our Property Is Getting ExtremelyAnnoying

Imagine living next to a chaotic zoo where your neighbour's pets constantly invade your spacedefecating cats and marauding rabbits included. For months, you've been playing a frustrating game of "Catch the Rabbit" while your greenhouse gets pillaged. It's time to hold irresponsible pet owners accountable and rethink gifting animals.

Drainpipe cat reunited with owner after more than two years on the run

When George the cat went AWOL, he left his Adelaide owner Jess van Niekerk fearing the worst. Two-and-a-half years later, she was in the middle of a lesson at the primary school where she teaches when she got a simple text message: "George is alive".

Pax is looking regal this morning. Her looks can go from goofy smoosh-head to queen!

Good morning, afternoon or evening to you. Happy Friday!

In her Film Noir era Tickles, in Kibble Indemnity

Wir geniessen mal ein wenig die Sonne, die Grand Dame und ich



Flix is a wandering cat... Sometimes, I don't see him for months... This morning, he came to greet me... I didn't have much to offer him apart from some croquettes and a bowl of water After his meal, he opted for a little nap in the sun...

Letzte Kurve vor dem Wochenende


Auf dem Bild sind die Kinder, resp. Enkelkinder mit Familienhund.


This morning I had a new visitor, an incredibly affectionate three-legged ginger cat... I was in the garden watering my pickle plants when he called me... He came. What followed was a big cuddle session... I named him Caramel... I hope he comes back to visit me often...


This morning I had a new visitor, an incredibly affectionate three-legged ginger cat... I was in the garden watering my pickle plants when he called me... He came. What followed was a big cuddle session... I named him Caramel... I hope he comes back to visit me often...

Drainpipe cat reunited with owner after more than two years on the run

When George the cat went AWOL, he left his Adelaide owner Jess van Niekerk fearing the worst. Two-and-a-half years later, she was in the middle of a lesson at the primary school where she teaches when she got a simple text message: "George is alive".

Astrology is my thing