Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

New Parker short!

Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #318: Nedjem.

Gobi and Cookie

Help someone smile today by performing a random act of kindness to celebrate

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Katzenworld: How Cats Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing: Research and Benefits of Pet Ownership and Therapy Animals &Tips

Well now my foot is very warm.

How common are dog attacks
"Public health studies estimate there are about 100,000 dog attacks in Australia each year, and people end up being hospitalised in about three per cent of attacks. An even smaller portion of attacks make it into the news, and when they do the outcome is usually devastating."
"That's because about 80 per cent of attacks happen in the home and children are three times more likely to be hospitalised from an attack."

Pax is winding down up on her favorite shelf. She wishes you a good night (or a good day)!

The chilliest lows of the season (thus far) will arrive in Montana and Wyoming Friday morning... protect people, pets and plants!

Budgerigar painting with a touch of chiaroscuro. This is an older work I painted from life on my Nintendo 3DS.

Cleanup crew is not impressed with s floor menu today

it's toast the rat!! for today's combi prompt, comfy + potato rat :)

Got a new small carpet I need to put in its spot, so of course she's declared it a worthwhile resting place and doesn't see a reason to move from there.

Good morning (afternoon or evening) on this beautiful ! Pax reminds us that the best way to start the day is to cuddle with someone you love!


It might be an extremely respected media such as The Guardian, but that does not make this any less ridiculous. Do they not know that dogs are a CARNIVORE species!

Stop trying to "save the world" and just close your bloody factories!

My boy, Earl. He likes demolishing his toys, begging to be picked up, and telling everyone in a two-block radius that they dont belong.

Katzenworld: Cats in Kent Seeking Forever Homes: RSPCA Launches Adoptober Campaign

SWINE OF THE TIMES: Aurora porker heads to the pen after 3 days on the ham

Wherever he came from, somebody had paid attention to him and given him lots of love, because he certainly likes people.

SWINE OF THE TIMES: Aurora porker heads to the pen after 3 days on the ham

Wherever he came from, somebody had paid attention to him and given him lots of love, because he certainly likes people.

My girls! and

The cat nearly murdered my wife today as she (my wife) tried to get her(the cat) into the pet carrier to go to the vet. Once they returned, the cat has only come out to eat and do her business.

What do you want It's 3 a.m., buddy!

On todays feast day of St. Francis, many Catholics will bring their pets in for a special blessing

The saint, renowned for his love of animals, has a vision about animals and pets that was quite different from what we think nowadays.

Sie hat sich einen farblich zu ihrem outfit passenden Liegeplatz ausgewhlt.
(Juli 2019)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
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A wild Reeses in his natural habitat

He's so little :catblush:

My boy Odo

Doodle likes to completely stretch out on his back when he naps. Even his hind legs stretch out.

Open for full effect.

Katzenworld: Cat Sleep Related Word Puzzle: Test Your Knowledge! #

While it's good to highlight the impact of on , and ways that could be reduced, the 'X would save more than Y' framing does irritate me. It subtly implies that 'if we did X, we wouldn't need to do Y' when of course we need to do both and more.

Let me set the (crime) scene for you.
Im crocheting some tiny turtles for my grandson for a little game Im working on.
Photo 1: I found it like this by the front door
Photo 2: close-up of the victim
Photo 3: a cat sitting on the armrest, suspiciously close to where I keep the rest of the turtles in a bag
Im no lawyer but is this whats called circumstantial evidence
In any case, as punishment I made her her own turtle with catnip in it which shes ignoring

October 4th is World Animal Day!

Thank your patron god or goddess today and look for signs from their animal counterparts. It's also a great time (as if we need a reason!) to pay special attention to our own familiars and pets.

Just wanted to wish you all a very happy

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Over two dozen windows to look out of.

Three soft cozy cat beds

A cat tree and a corrugated cardboard kitty box.

A futon and an actual bed

But no. He wants to sleep on the kitty mat.

Be part of a kinder world Celebrate by supporting charities and companies dedicated to animal welfare!

If it's October, it must be Zombie Dog season. Another free (no ads or paywall) horror/humor story inspired by one of my photos:


My wife started a thing. Im simultaneously proud and amused. She also publishes the original design for any other s out there.

Faighnich dhomh mar a tha fios agam gu bheil Fagioli beagan gasach madainn an-diugh

last will and testament.