Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Lo admito soy ese fantasma que no te deja dormir en las noches.

My personal sphinx, on her favorite chair.

Pax wants to wish you a very happy and !

Miumiu is unimpressed with the carrots.

Bathing the dog was the easy part. Getting him to pose with the relevant milestone cardnope, nope, not cooperating.

Miumiu critiquing the soundscape.

It's important to socialise dogs at an early age, helping them develop positive behaviours around other people and animals

Katzenworld: Join Tummy Rub Tuesday Week 464 and Get Your Cat Featured on Our Blog! #

Pax is in Dreamland. We hope you had a good Monday. Good night (or good day) to you all!


All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Two important Harrison naps today

My bird Echo is a trip. She's pretty easy to trick train. My only obstacle there is a lack of imagination on my part. She loves her bird crack (millet) and will do anything I ask her to so long as she understands what I'm asking.

There are two types of trick training. One is to coax the bird to do what you want it to by leading it with the millet. The other is to capture a behavior they're already doing by putting a command to it while they're doing it. A clicker is used initially in both types of training.

The first trick I taught Echo to do last year when she came to live with me was "spin." Once she got a handle on that one she uses it to signal to me that she wants a treat, even outside of training time. If I rustle a plastic bag (say, with sunflower seeds in it), she'll spin in front of me because of course all snacks have to do with her, in her world.

Every trick I've taught her bar the one she learned last night involved the first type of training, with me leading her behavior by using millet as a lure. She spins, walks through my hand as a tunnel and allows me to pick her up that way, she goes through a short tunnel made from a paper towel roll. She will fly to three different perches and the doorway of her cage when asked to. She will twirl around my finger and hang from it like a bat. She rides a tiny skateboard down a toy half pipe, and will jump "hurdles" made by my son's hand weights.

She has this habit of getting into places I can't see her and then doesn't answer me when I'm calling her. I'll be worried she's trapped somewhere then I'll turn around and she's sitting somewhere staring at me like I've lost my mind.

She slipped in between the sink and the dishpan yesterday. I was right there to rescue her, but decided I needed to do something that would help me find her. A one ounce bird can hide pretty easily, even in plain sight, especially if you're half blind like I'm going from un-ripe cataracts.

Last night I taught her "speak." She was cheeping at me so I started saying "speak," waiting for her to chirp, then hit the clicker and gave her millet. She picked it up immediately. Now she doesn't "spin" when she thinks she's about to get a reward, she "speaks."

It's such a tiny cheep that I'm not sure it will help me find her. I was hoping to get her flock calling, which is much louder and piercing, but she wants to sound like a demure little baby chicken bird and I guess that's going to have to do.

Mit geschlossenen Augen der Musik lauschen ...
(September 2023)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
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Our pets are like family. I've been inspired to create grief and celebration of life work for many years. I mostly design and write poetry for humans, but I do not forget our beloved cats and dogs (birds and fish too). I offer custom work as well. It's my honor to create memorials. I am humbled.


Katzenworld: 35th-Anniversary Conference: Exploring the Relationship Between Humans and Animals in One World, One Health, One Welfare

Sometimes Verne and Doyle do stay still...

Mr Whiskers

What to know about kissing pets, in this week's :

Dahlia is sitting so proper

Design Milk : These Cozy Dog Beds Feature Fabrics Found in Iconic Museums

Dogs add color to a dull World.
And they smooth out the rough edges.


Happy Monday, all.

As the summer is winding down there are still some mornings that look like this. Joni was quite young in this photograph, but the intensity never wanes.
Make it as good a day as you can!


The boys are just lolling about in their favorite spot this morning.

Good morning (or good afternoon or evening) to you! Pax hopes you have a happy Monday!

She's trying to hide under my computer and I have to start to work :blobfoxfloofcute:

Katzenworld: Bolt launches dedicated Pet ride-hailing category in London, bringing convenience and peace of mind to Londons pet owners

EP064 Rexo get out from my way funny me

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Meme the Cat really loves cat food from a pouch. He expects this whenever I arrive after having been days away, as if I had gone hunting and brought back the prey. Afterwards, he intensely licks himself to mask the scent of it to avoid attracting other predators. This is a common feline behavior, they say.
Full video on / Vdeo completo no PeerTube:

Meme, o Gato, realmente adora rao em sach. Ele espera por isto sempre que chego aps dias fora, como se eu tivesse ido caar e trouxesse a presa. Depois, lambe-se intensamente para disfarar o cheiro da caa e no atrair outros predadores. Este um comportamento comum dos felinos, dizem.

Pax hopes you had a good weekend. Have a good night (or good day)!

Julieta or Juju, Meme's dog friend. There are two other dogs here, her children, but she is more friendly with Meme. She was abandoned here and already pregnant by the time Meme was being weaned by Miminha. They ended up getting names together: Meme is actually "Romeo", later started being called "Memeo" and then Meme.
Julieta ou Juju, a amiga canina do Meme. H outros dois ces aqui, seus filhos, mas ela mais amigvel com Meme. Foi abandonada aqui e j estava grvida na poca em que o Meme estava sendo desmamado pela Miminha. Acabaram ganhando nomes juntos: Meme na verdade "Romeu", depois comeou a ser apelidado "Memeu" e ento Meme.

Daphne thinks there's nothing like a good belly rub.

Yes, I have a new profile picture. That dog in it is my little sister's miniature dachshund. Her name is Lilo and she's 3 years old. When my little sister visits the family once a month, she always brings Lilo---and Lilo always gets up on me because she missed me.

Minnie the Cat

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