Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Mon tit Guizmo

do you have a tick remover. Might seem silly but they make it a lot easier (co owner of two cats and a dug)

PetsHome (I know ) do a very good one. So simple, so effective. Better than the plastic ones.


Bag of Doritos lures pet parrot out of tree after chasing off a bunch of hawks!

A friend told me his dog, Ronnie, recently injured a front paw. So until it heals, the dog can walk up stairs without difficulty but apparently finds it painful going downstairs.

So Ronnie stands at the top of the stairs and barks until he's carried downstairs.

Which means my friend is now, officially, Ronnie's service animal.

Peck: "Hey! Hey, Sis! Wake up! I want your bed!"
Daphne: "Buzz off!"

Before you buy it, turn it over and read the lable.

The following make a wide variety of products and are committed to slavery (especially child slavery).

* Nestl
* Mars/M&M
* Hershey's
* Ferraro
* Kraft/Mondelez/Legion (might as well be)

The top four took children whom they had enslaved to court and won a SCOTUS case against them.

Nestl owns most of the pizzas at your store, baby food, children's clothing, dog food, cat litter, Stouffer's, and more.

Kraft has its tendrils every damned where.

Our pretty little princess is looking regal this morning.

Pax wishes you a good morning and a very happy !

Trigger alert: EC with cat

He's 9 months old now and has already outgrown his old bed. Cypher is a Shepweiler (German Shepard on his fathers side and Rottweiler on his mothers).

And to make today even more shit, sadly, my cat, Five, passed away today too. As a kitten, he was found abandoned, the only survivor out of a litter of four. When I came home with him, we bonded instantly, over our shared lack of co-ordination. He loved the spray bottle, and would leap into the stream of water to bat at the water droplets. Ill miss you so much.

The Cocktail Cowgirl

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

At the vet, waiting to see Badam. He's being kept in the operation room so he can be monitored, and so I must wait until the current operation is over.

He's still not eating, and his body temperature has still not recovered (remains low), IVs and medicines are being administered regularly, he has a hot water bag to comfort and warm him.

I'm really hoping he makes it somehow. Don't want to lose this big fuzzy cuddle bug of a cat who I love dearly

Let today be the day you stand strong in the truth of your beauty. Journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others. Steve Maraboli

Sadly, one of our snakes, Evie, has passed away. She will be remembered for her love of foreign food (She has only bitten people from England, France and China), her gentle nature, teaching my wife how to give injections to a snake, and her willingness to help me with a Dalek impression. She loved curling up on my leg in an evening, and were several friends first introduction to snakes.

Pax is getting very sleepy. Won't be long 'til she's in the land of dreams.

Good night/good day to everyone!

Miralka loves to watch along.

Her mum was (possibly) a Tonkinese: siamese x burmese cross, her dad a farm cat.

She's very open and friendly - even with strangers (she will march up to them and show off, begging for pets).

Her favourite things include:

watching movies

opening doors

running up walls

pulling clothes out of drawers

(plus many heinous crimes)

and perching on top of the shower head to yell at me each morning.

100 #


Salmonella infections across Canada linked to snakes and rodent feed

An ongoing outbreak of salmonella infections in eight provinces is linked to snakes and rodents used to feed them, the Public Health Agency of Canada says.

Good hand hygiene advised after contact with snakes, rodent feed and their environment

Calling all dog lovers! Show off your cool & cute style with our Funny Dog T-Shirt, perfect for dog moms, dog dads.

<-- ON AIR
Be sure to check out our radio stream for more wacky amusements

Fiora was sitting by the fire at lunch, so I tried to sneak up and get a cute photo...

...but she turned around and made this face and now it's cursed.

Our cat named Sunday, the queen of the household, wishes you a bright and cheery Tuesday! (Although she herself is anything but)!

Trigger alert: eye contact with cat

Doodle is reminding us that it's ! Have a good one!

Littermates Daphne and Peck are enjoying the sunshine together this morning. Have a happy Tuesday!

We couldnt take our dog on our Japan trip, so we are always noticing other dogs that cross our path. Here are just two stories.

Sesion de peluqueria con mi peludito

Palestinians try to rescue a trapped under the rubble of a destroyed home in Gaza on Monday, 03/18/2024

Took Badam cat to vet today, he was dehydrated and not feeling well. Have admitted him for the day as it's a stressful journey for him and I didn't want to take chances by bringing him back today if he needs more medical attention.

Will go and see him tomorrow, hoping he recovers soon!

A threatening lives and homes in 's hills has been upgraded to emergency level and authorities say strong gusts of wind are fanning the blaze.

An evacuation centre was set up at Brown Park Recreation Complex on Salisbury Road in Swan View.

, except for recognised assistance , were not allowed inside evacuation centres for health and safety reasons.
People should make alternative arrangements for them. If this was not possible, people should still proceed to the evacuation centre with their pets and await further advice.


hehe bagong ligo

Neko Station Chief! (2024/03/17)

"The world is a dangerous place, but it is also a beautiful one. Don't let fear consume you." -Terry Brooks, The Sword of Shannara

Pax is conked out, sleeping peacefully on the loveseat.

Good night/good day to all of you!

It's and this was from our walk today.

Winter passing into - fresh sprouting grass, but dead leaves still on the beech trees. Furious carcopheny of birdsong.

The gold bow is because she's large, brown and roe deer-sized.

(Every hunting season, I stick them on all her harnesses.

She also has a Dog bell - large, noisy and bright red.

We prefer looking a bit sillay and staying safe)

Good boys get scritches

If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be

CBS: Pet DNA company sends back dog breed results from human sample a second time

"The company reported back that Hager was 40% Alaskan Malamute, 35% Shar-Pei, and 25% Labrador."

The weather was so lovely over the weekend that we had to let our rabbits enjoy some fresh air. They thought it was a little too bright out.

We lost our Dasher yesterday, suddenly. Devastated but holding it together, together. Hug your fur baby close and show them how much you love them, how important they are, for Dash and for me.

Tony Abbott Is Crap