Hello Animal Lover!
All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Daphne has found a warm and comfy spot on the loveseat.

Spooky Ol' Gal Does A Snooze

New blog post!

Pax wishes you a good morning (or a good afternoon or evening) and a delightful !

I think this might be a common pillbug (Armadillidium vulgare), a species introduced from Europe and found just about everywhere now. Some of the varieties sold as pets are incredibly beautiful.

Katzenworld: 10 Ways to Help Avoid a Cat Health Emergency #




That's >16lb George, racing around the living room and my office around 9:00 in the evening.

we all deserve a little TV break

Pax is a sleepyhead tonight. Good night (or good day) Mastodon friends!

How I wish they treated their dogs better in this country. Everywhere you go outside of Seoul, you'll see poor, neglected dogs like this one just chained up somewhere isolated, left to the elements, wailing in loneliness. It's heartbreaking.

Sie bewacht die Haustr.
(September 2023)
(Foto: Rdiger Benninghaus)
, , , ,

tail /usr/lib

Some individual shots of our beautiful Chester, Phoebe, and Anton!

Captured with an camera. Edited with

Peter says hello hoomans

Your daily from Millie.

Here we go again. Just finished breakfast. This is what she does constantly. She requires lots of love. While purring, chirpingoh, so much chirping.
Shes 17 now and hasnt lost a step. I caught her yesterday, grabbing all her toys out of her toy box and leaving them for me to put away. Were still working on her putting them away. After 17 years, I kinda lost hope well ever achieve it.

All you need to know about caring for your pet.

Our tabby named Sunday is enjoying some fresh air at the window.

Visit for more info on the bill. If you want to advocate for this measure, please consider testifying at the hearing, which will be held at the State House and remotely, so you can testify from the comfort of your own homeor submit written testimony.

If you plan to testify, or have any questions at all about the process, please email us at advocacymspca.org. Lets work together to eliminate barriers to adoption!

Happy in this lovely !

Cat Incorporated unveils its latest innovation: the Cork-And-Handle.

Parrot asks Alexa to add pulled pork to the shopping list

All the Miracles
"To be alive, to be able to see, to walk, to have houses, music, paintingsit's all a miracle. I have adopted the technique of living life from miracle to miracle." Artur Rubinstein

We get tired sometimes, and forget about miracles like being born at all, in this time, relatively healthy and of sound mind. We're blessed, but still find things to complain ab

I am going to go ahead and guess that the answer to "girls, are you hungry" is yes.

The UK government plans to BAN American XL Bully dog breeds by the end of 2023

We believe a full licensing reform is required for ALL pets as too many are bred illegally and sold to the wrong people

Be part of the REAL solution, make informed decisions before purchasing your next pet!

Katzenworld: Tummy Rub Tuesday Week 465: Share Your Cat Photos and Join the Fun! #

Info on your dog's collar: Be a good pet owner






Updating my post about an abandoned rabbit. We found a family to give the animal a stable home. It irks me immensely that anyone could dump such a lovely creature.

On my lunch break, I got utterly traumatized by a detailed Reddit confession in which someone admitted to torturing and murdering budgies throughout their childhood.

Instagrams algorithm is now showing me reels of budgies and how adorable they are, solidifying my horror and painting a vivid picture of how these things mightve looked before they died.

No more reddit for me to day :tomscott:

The pet industry valued $13Billion in Australia, That's a lot of houses folks.

Pax is fast asleep. Good night (or good day) Mastodon friends!

Every once in a while the boys will show some affection for one another. Doodle is grooming his sleeping brother Peck.

I know its Mondog but whatever. Its not easy trying to sew in a straight line when affection is required immediately!

What grabbed me most about this story from was that someone named their pet alligator Fluffy.


Hey owners: whats your go to for absolutely best odour control in a litter Im a new owner of two and so far Ive tried Arm and Hammer and Purina and theyre OK but not great. Any suggestions (Canada)